Quote King Street Cat="King Street Cat"www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/worlds-richest-1-per-cent-richer-wealth-poor-three-charts-graphics-oxfam-a7529396.html
At this rate there'll be one person standing at the end with all the money and the rest will be dead.'"
Very few wealthy people have a social conscience with most only being driven by the desire to be wealthier than their peers.
Although Corbyn's idea of an upper wage limit may, in some ways, sound sensible, it will never happen and sadly, people end up like commodities and if a few end up "worn out", they are easily replaced.
Nobody would mind if someone worked twice as hard as the next man and was paid twice as much. However, wealth is often gained by exploiting others and yet we are encouraged to look up to these people and admire their status.