Quote silver2="silver2"I'm 65 and in my opinion Thatcher is by far the worst PM I've had to endure. She lacked compassion, ruined the countrys manufacturing base, took the country to war, increased the homeless on our streets, deregulated the banks, made her son a millionaire knight...need i go on?'"
Yes you could go on! The deregulation of the banks ultimately led to the banking crisis of 2008 (PIP mis-selling, sub prime lending Northern Rock, etc..). The then Chancellor Alistair Darling had to then implement measures that were then compared to Labour's 1983 manifesto! When Chris Mullen MP later told the Chancellor that he had just implemented Labour's 1983 manifesto, he replied 'Yes, and with enthusiastic Tory support!!')
And what do we have now e.g. Sir Philip Green former tax advisor (very careful where he pays his taxes, everything is in wife's name, who is resident in the tax haven of Monaco!) to ex PM Cameron. Sir Philip sells BHS to a chancer for £1 after pocketing all the assets. BHS then goes bust and 11,000 people lose their jobs and then just for good measure he takes £500,000,000 out the pension fund. So retirees current and future can now look forward to a reduced pension. When challenged to this he pays back a fraction of what he took out, but only out of shear embarrassment.
All this was done legally! Prime Minister said 'the BHS scandal was unacceptable and wanted to reform capitalism and would bring in government measures to do so'. It should be no surprise that this promise along with all the others uttered by Mrs.May has come to nothing and it's business as usual in the 'City'.
Mrs.May was very quick though to find £1,500,000,000 after the last GE (blows a 20 point lead in the polls, after a completely inept performance) as a bribe to the DUP for their support after losing her majority. We were constantly told though there was no magic money tree, but apparently there was when her own political skin was a risk! It's a shame the same urgency cannot be found for the NHS or the homeless!