Quote johnny freeman fan club="johnny freeman fan club"It is a farce , when I bought my tickets some time since we were told you got free upgrades with the 9s tickets if your team got to the final at Bloomfield Rd but if they were not in the final you paid £5 to upgrade.
Upon hearing it was almost full I rang the RFL yesterday for clarification on the availibility of upgraded of tickets if your team was not in the final.To begin with she told me we could only upgrade if there was availibility even if we got through to the final as they were nearly sold out. So I said "hang on you are telling people they will have free upgrade with these tickets if their team gets to the final so you`d better be saving tickets" She confered with someone else and said "yes your right but we are only saving tickets for the teams in final. All others it`s if there is availibility so to be sure of seats at the final I have had to book them on the phone with the RFL they arrived in the post today.
So if we get to the final I have wasted money on tickets , they should have done the 9s all at Fylde on one day and the other finals the day after. But as usual everything has to be as complicated as possible for anyone to attend.You see the ticket office opens at 12 pm sun at Broomfield rd and the 9s are playing Sun morning at Fylde can see it being a right farce.'"
Do your tickets actually say Halifax/Batley et al on them ?
If they dont what's to stop fans of other clubs claiming to be supporters of a finalist and getting tickets that you want/need
The matches on Sunday will be knock out so the first teams knocked out could nip over to Bloomfield rd and nick tickets earmarked for other clubs fans
I can see a
dozen or so potentially very unhappy fans on Sunday