Quote Disco="Disco"Thank you Sky Sports and TIVO slow frame advance... thanks to you two I now know for a fact that...
a) Despite what Leeds say, Rangi had two feet firmly on the ground at the point contact was made.
b) Despite what Leeds say, Hardaker was not at any point unconscious (unless he can move, rub his head, get up and walk off while being unconscious).
c) Despite what Leeds say, both of Rangi's arms were down through the contact. The right arm came up after the impact, not before.
d) Hardaker's tweet following the game (his elbow hit my chin) cannot possibly be right. At best it's mistaken, at worst vindictive.'"
Sounds pretty accurate to me. Also consider the perfect position the referee was in to judge the impact, which was far better than that provided by the camera angle.
In relation to point d, if in fact Chase's elbow did hit Hardaker's chin, I'm not sure if he'd know that, had he actually been knocked out. Chase's elbows must be in an unusual place on his body too...