Quote G1="G1"If he couldn't stop Carmont I wonder why people would think he could have stopped Burrow's break for Hall's try, or Ablett's try?'"
Not forgetting the Webb try that got Leeds back in the contest also. Perhaps Shenton could have prevented one two or all three, perhaps he couldn't have prevented any of them. It's a question people can speculate over but one that has no definitive answer.
Likewise whether St Helens recent scoreboard dominance over Leeds - when Shenton is on the field - can be attributed to his presence anymore than to several other factors is interesting but not conclusive either.
27th March 2011 : Leeds 16 - 30 St Helens
3rd June 2011 : St Helens 42 - 16 Leeds
8th October 2011 : St Helens 16 - 8 Leeds (After Shenton's injury St Helens 0 - 24 Leeds)
25th March 2012 : St Helens 46 - 6 Leeds
21st May 2012 : Leeds 18 - 31 St Helens