Quote McLaren_Field="McLaren_Field"Don't you just love it when people get all uppitty when someone else disagrees with them ?
Its a a discussion forum, part of discussion is disagreement - you know when you go to a pub and you're discussing something with your mates and one of them has a different point of view to you ?
Do you tell them "this is why I don't come to this pub very often..." or do you just accept it as part of the discussion ?'"
Not really. A responce was 'I don't give a foook'.
So my responce to that is 'why comment on the thread if you don't give a foook'
If I was in a pub with 5 friends and talking to 2 of them. The otehr 3 would not interupt and say 'I don't give a foook'
Unless it was a joke