Quote Royston-Vasey="Royston-Vasey"Sam Tomkins is the most talented youngster ive seen in a very long time, but until he gets rid of that ridiculous attitude he has then that is all he will ever be!!!
You say you dont like Danny McGuire.... why? and if you mention the Carmont incident from last year then youre a bigger fool than Sam Tomkins is!! but if you think trying to run with a ruptured ACL and the reflex action that goes with it (ie grabbing the closest solid object) is an on pitch offense? then yeh you can keep on hating Danny McGuire.....because he is a proven big game player AND winner, Tomkins is a child who after 20 minutes last week went AWOL! and tbh i think im being genorous with 20 because his brother did all the hard work for that 3rd try last week.
k thx bye!'"
Yeh because if sam didnt run to the right side and draw the winger in to tackle him...joel would have found the gap? Dont get me wrong, watching joel slap that bitch down to the ground was a very proud moment. and him making webb and peacock look amateur was special but that wouldnt have happend without sam..I just hope he destroys the aussies and maybe one day other fans will apreciate how special he is and how he will be the greatest player the SL has produced in the last couple of years..not like you can say it about any other player recently yet you lot prefare to boo him.
"and the reflex action that goes with it" LOL He's a cheat, everyone knows he is, what he did was worse than anything sam as ever done, Seen so many other fans agree with me (not all from Wigan) Not Wigans fault sam will end up tearing you apart!!

Watching him run rings around Warrington was special..Just waiting for him to destroy leeds...There is a HUGE difference between cheating someone out of a play off game than there is sticking the V sign up to a TV camera when a) most children already know the V sign and b) Englands youth is a mess. swearing may not be apart of our sport...but when was cheating!?!?! Cheats deserve everything they get hence why not many wiganers had sympathy for mcguire. he's a dirty cheat.