Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"This discussion started because as usual you tried to be a smart booty and suggest that because Hull had had a bad season that somehow made the embarrassing season Leeds have had somewhat less embarrassing. I merely pointed out you cannot compare the two - something you have now admitted to be correct.
I cannot understand why you have kept digging - but then when you are as stubborn as you are then therein lies the answer'"
No, it started when you posted this nugget...
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"Other clubs have had equal injury issues e.g. Hull and they haven't suffered anywhere near the calamatous season Leeds have had.
And I called you out on it. That you dug in and have doubled down it every week since then, as Hull kept losing week after week, just proves my point.
Enjoy the off season Sal. The break will do you good.