Quote Rogues Gallery="Rogues Gallery"Do I get the feeling that you don't rate Roycey boy BJ?'"
No, I don't to be honest, But I would rather have him any day than MM at the pies, which IMO stands for Mass Murderer, Chicken wing tackles, blantant holding down in the tackle, V signs to opposition fans, clamping tacklers arms to try and force an award off the Ref, Eye Gouging, Thumping opponents getting up to play the ball, plus any and all infringments by Wigan.
How does the one eyed Con-merchant explain it all,
Quote "Nothing much in it" All Ancient and Loyal supporters should hang their head in shame if they support his win at all cost tactics, He is bringing the game I have followed for over 60 years into disrepute, the sooner he gets deported back to Oz the better.
have a nice day.