For me and a lot of fans I speak to think that Thursday night games are a joke! If your a normal working class 9am-5pm working type person how do they expect you to fight your way home then onto the likes of M62 and M60 up to places like Leeds, Wakefield , Hull etc for 8 pm K.O. then travel home to get home after midnight on a school night! All to get it on Sky!! yes I appreciate that not everyone can get to the games for various reasons and prefer to watch it on TV, Fair play to you, but when you enjoy going to the actual games like me and many others it annoying when you buy tickets , make travel / personal arrangements all for Sky and Co to change it less than two weeks before to a Thursday night, I like my Rugby at Weekend when you can make a day/night of it and not to have to muck around like this......
Does anyone else think the same or am I banging my head against a wall?again!!