Quote af="af"Some Rhino wag is going to add a couple of their own, but there's no way they can come up with a list anything like that.
Is this an invitation?
1. Jordan Tansey scoring at MM (and continued mention of this event on RAB since).
2. Peter Hood asking for the two points back
3. Harris hat trick at Odsal 1998
4. Farrell and Fleary mauling Bradford in same game
5. Robbie Paul's knock-on in 2004
6. 30-0 in 2006
7. McDermott vs Fielden
8. Leon getting banned for his cowardly shot on Sinfield
9. Eric Anselme cutting the Bulls to bits in magic weekend 2008
10. The inevitable Bulls capitulation in this year's MM game
11. The Harris saga legal case
12. The Harris saga fallout: Peacock to Leeds
13. Sheridan's steal on Danny Peacock in the 1999 CC semi
14. 4 from 4 in 2008
15. Road to Wembley 1993, Stuart Duffy's commentary on the Leeds club video: 'you're not going to Wembley Mr. Fairbank'
16. Caisley losing his long war of wits with El Presidente
17. McGuire's brace at HQ in 2004
18. El Presidente masterminding the great RL media conspiracy against Bradford
19. Webb's hat trick in 2008 (Leeds 44 Bulls 2)
20. McNamara remaining in charge over 2 seasons after latter game
And the list goes on...