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Quote JB Down Under="JB Down Under"This website can give you a free snapshot of all RL clubs
companycheck.co.uk'" It's not a particularly scientific excercise and the info available is limited - but it's an easy way to have a quick look; as several clubs only file abbreviated accounts it's also the only comparable info we'll get:
[codeClub Year end Cash* 'Net Worth'** TCL TCA NCA/(NCL)
Bradford Bulls (Holdings) 31/12/10 62,753 840,653 1,873,863 501,231 (1,372,632)
Castleford Rugby League Football Club 30/11/10 3,702 352,782 2,200,043 113,732 (2,086,311)
Huddersfield Giants Ltd 30/11/10 59,737 (7,325,812) 1,768,211 393,751 (1,374,460)
Hull Kingston Rovers Football Club Ltd 30/11/10 22,571 (2,094,352) 2,671,607 238,433 (2,433,174)
Hull Super League Ltd 31/10/10 329,478 (77,694) 1,293,422 1,027,863 (265,559)
Leeds Cricket Football & Athletic Club 31/10/11 2,275,907 15,380,286 3,560,884 5,921,011 2,360,127
London Rugby League Ltd 30/11/10 86,231 (8,865,285) 875,546 439,398 (436,14icon_cool.gif
Salford Football Club (1914) Ltd 30/11/10 877 (4,352,212) 3,763,566 265,351 (3,498,215)
St Helens Rugby League Football Club 31/10/10 9,540 (1,461,504) 2,704,158 552,743 (2,151,415)
Wakefield Trinity Rgby Lg Football Club 31/12/09 7,299 (119,175) 1,429,060 1,256,517 (172,543)
Warrington Sports Holdings Ltd 30/11/10 36,013 9,553,546 2,710,036 749,525 (1,960,511)
Widnes Sport Ltd 30/11/10 70,569 (361,59icon_cool.gif 838,108 131,114 (706,994)
Wigan Rugby League Club Ltd 30/11/10 710,182 (2,690,240) 5,304,772 1,257,994 (4,046,77icon_cool.gif
[/code[size=82*Cash means the positive cash balances. If there's not much there I presume it means they are running an overdraft which isn't separately disclosed.
**'Net Worth' can be a slightly spurious figure but is indicative of overall financial strength and is the Balance Sheet total less intangible assets. Negative in this case probably means the company has a negative Balance Sheet - not generally a good thing.
TCL = total currrent liabilities (i.e. the amounts the company had incurred at the year end date which it is theoretically obliged to pay out in the next 12 months. This figure will also include some deferred season ticket income for the subsequent season if they were on sale at the respective year ends)
TCA = total current assets; assets held or earned from pre-year end activities (includes the cash balance but also debtors and stock)
NCA/(NCL) = Net current assets or liabilities (being TCA minus TCL). If this goes negative it is one indicator of a potential going concern issue. Only an indicator and only potential. However the fact that 12 of the 13 British SL clubs had net current liabilities is a sign that this isn't a particularly healthy bunch of figures.
Wakefield Trinity is the old company for comparison.
As far as I know these figures are for trading RL clubs and exclude other, related activities be it minor football clubs or associated Rugby Union clubs. At Warrington I've plumped for the stadium owning company which I understand includes in its consolidated figures the subsidiary RL club's activities. [/size
The main thing to note is that these figures don't tell us much about whether a club is on the brink without considering who is backing them - both the Bulls and Wakefield look perhaps slightly better than average BUT did not have owners willing to stomach the cash outflows such as, say, Wigan, London, Salford and Huddersfield have.
Leeds and Warrington are the only clubs at these accounting dates which had invested millions in modern stadium facilities and have the by far the strongest Balance Sheets because of it.
Quote JB Down Under="JB Down Under"This website can give you a free snapshot of all RL clubs
companycheck.co.uk'" It's not a particularly scientific excercise and the info available is limited - but it's an easy way to have a quick look; as several clubs only file abbreviated accounts it's also the only comparable info we'll get:
[codeClub Year end Cash* 'Net Worth'** TCL TCA NCA/(NCL)
Bradford Bulls (Holdings) 31/12/10 62,753 840,653 1,873,863 501,231 (1,372,632)
Castleford Rugby League Football Club 30/11/10 3,702 352,782 2,200,043 113,732 (2,086,311)
Huddersfield Giants Ltd 30/11/10 59,737 (7,325,812) 1,768,211 393,751 (1,374,460)
Hull Kingston Rovers Football Club Ltd 30/11/10 22,571 (2,094,352) 2,671,607 238,433 (2,433,174)
Hull Super League Ltd 31/10/10 329,478 (77,694) 1,293,422 1,027,863 (265,559)
Leeds Cricket Football & Athletic Club 31/10/11 2,275,907 15,380,286 3,560,884 5,921,011 2,360,127
London Rugby League Ltd 30/11/10 86,231 (8,865,285) 875,546 439,398 (436,14icon_cool.gif
Salford Football Club (1914) Ltd 30/11/10 877 (4,352,212) 3,763,566 265,351 (3,498,215)
St Helens Rugby League Football Club 31/10/10 9,540 (1,461,504) 2,704,158 552,743 (2,151,415)
Wakefield Trinity Rgby Lg Football Club 31/12/09 7,299 (119,175) 1,429,060 1,256,517 (172,543)
Warrington Sports Holdings Ltd 30/11/10 36,013 9,553,546 2,710,036 749,525 (1,960,511)
Widnes Sport Ltd 30/11/10 70,569 (361,59icon_cool.gif 838,108 131,114 (706,994)
Wigan Rugby League Club Ltd 30/11/10 710,182 (2,690,240) 5,304,772 1,257,994 (4,046,77icon_cool.gif
[/code[size=82*Cash means the positive cash balances. If there's not much there I presume it means they are running an overdraft which isn't separately disclosed.
**'Net Worth' can be a slightly spurious figure but is indicative of overall financial strength and is the Balance Sheet total less intangible assets. Negative in this case probably means the company has a negative Balance Sheet - not generally a good thing.
TCL = total currrent liabilities (i.e. the amounts the company had incurred at the year end date which it is theoretically obliged to pay out in the next 12 months. This figure will also include some deferred season ticket income for the subsequent season if they were on sale at the respective year ends)
TCA = total current assets; assets held or earned from pre-year end activities (includes the cash balance but also debtors and stock)
NCA/(NCL) = Net current assets or liabilities (being TCA minus TCL). If this goes negative it is one indicator of a potential going concern issue. Only an indicator and only potential. However the fact that 12 of the 13 British SL clubs had net current liabilities is a sign that this isn't a particularly healthy bunch of figures.
Wakefield Trinity is the old company for comparison.
As far as I know these figures are for trading RL clubs and exclude other, related activities be it minor football clubs or associated Rugby Union clubs. At Warrington I've plumped for the stadium owning company which I understand includes in its consolidated figures the subsidiary RL club's activities. [/size
The main thing to note is that these figures don't tell us much about whether a club is on the brink without considering who is backing them - both the Bulls and Wakefield look perhaps slightly better than average BUT did not have owners willing to stomach the cash outflows such as, say, Wigan, London, Salford and Huddersfield have.
Leeds and Warrington are the only clubs at these accounting dates which had invested millions in modern stadium facilities and have the by far the strongest Balance Sheets because of it.