Quote gutterfax="gutterfax"Union has specialist 7's squads with a lot of "younger" players ......I believe that the "clubs" of these players are paid by each country's Union '"
Cheers gf...I know 7's now recieves funding via the ioc, but I'd hazard a guess that union7's was previously funded (in part) via their International game.
Quote gutterfaxLeague could do something similar with U20's/Reserve graders, but again, the clubs would need to be compensated and the players wages met by each country's governing body.'"
Aye, thats what I was thinking (tho not sure I like this being in agreement thing lol)...U20’s/ fringe players providing the base with 1st grade players from RSL/ NRL/Championship/ LER providing the sparkle....
Would exempting ALL players who make themselves available for a International 9’s series from the Salary Cap calculations be enough of a carrot for the clubs(+match payments to players obviously)...? Maybe add a stipulation that no 1st grade player will be selected more than 4 times but be required to attend 9’s training sessions press days etc?
Taking them off the S.C may also allow clubs to retain more of those U20’s/ Reserve graders and give another pathway for player development.
This is what I’m thinking(and remember, just throwing ideas about here - Ima not claiming this to be a cunning plan which the Rlif should implement tomorrow)
Create a seven rnd elite International 9’s series to be played alongside a 2nd tier 9’s National/ Invitational comp in the Host Nation...maybe play 5 in Commonwealth Countries and 2 in non Commonwealth/ Countries; E.g:
Rnd 1: Aus.
Rnd2: NZ
Rnd3: South Africa.
Rnd4: Canada
Rnd5: Czech Republic (mainly ‘cos I like the idea of watching *the Mad Squirrels play, but also to highlight the pettiness of the CZ unionites insisting that Rugby League be referred to as Rebel Rugby.)
Rnd6: France.
Rnd7: England.
Played Feb to August, with the option to move rnds 3 – 6 to diff countries each yr. Helps hit most of both RLs and Commonwealths development objectives I reckon, tho it would miss out two of the **6 Commonwealth zones...might have to swap teh Mad Squirrels for a wkend in Jamaica...life is hard, ay

The English leg [icould[/i be played over the CC weekend, which would give us: Friday London Lights, Sat CC Final, Sun-Mon World 9’s, SL 9’s finals and the London Rugby League Boris Johnson 9's
Meanwhile, back in the real world, finding the funding and media partners for something like this would prolly be too much of a ‘challenge’@ the mo...ppl really need to stop with the BS excuses and start attending and supporting the International game.
**D'oh!, any fule kno there are six Commonwealth zones.Sorry.