Quote Orfie="Orfie"I'm having a nightmare buying the kids new 2010 shirts, they fitted well in their ages last year (9 and 12) they are now 10 and 13 and neither the age 10-11 or age 12-13 fit them as they are to small (and my kids are actually small for thier ages), the next size up is small adults and they are an extra £15 each, which is ridiculous! How can my boys age 10 and 13 be charged an adult price for thier shirts (£45) its as though the tops have been made smaller so you have to buy an adult size. No where else when they are buying clothes do they buy clothes at an adult size, at this price £45 for a kids top they are much more expensive than premier league football shirts! In my opinion (and I'm entitled to it) RIP OFF and the club should seriously look at what must be a sizing issue by the manufacturer of these shirts!'"

Save the money you spend on them in McDonalds and get em a top that fits!!