Quote Uncle Rico="Uncle Rico"Superblue if you or anyone else has a problem the moderation on here and specifically mine on this topic please feel free to contact the "site owner".
The post that I selected and suggested should be "taken" to the Sin Bin as opposed to "clear off" (which I think is provocative), did not mention Rugby League or the time pressure that might have been in place on the sport should say the funeral clash with a semi final nothing more nothing less.
I'll leave it there with you as I don't understand much of what you are trying to say and look forward discussing it further with the "site owner" should you feel the need'"
Uncle Rico, there you go again, where did I say I would report you to the site owner?, and are you sure you should be directing posters with complaints to the “site owner”, or have you just made that up to
And I’m quite familiar with the complaint procedures thank you, so don’t require your blessing regards such instances
And I do feel you are being a tad disingenuous when you say you merely “suggested” a poster took their mildly anti monarchy post to the sin bin, your tone was unnecessary with a very clear “take it” comment
Your actions tell the story, maybe a hint of a guilty conscience?