Quote FredParky="FredParky"We were only informed of Irenes death on Friday evening, our Andy immediately rang Red Hall to get permission for the minutes silence, there was no reply, so he rang the two guys who he knows handles thuis sort of thing on their mobiles both were off so he left messages on their voicemail and sent them e mails, he got no reply off either so as far as the club was concerned there was no permission from the RFL for the minutes silence, the message obviously got through to the match commissioner and the referee but they didn't tell anyone at the ground that permission had been granted, Mr Stokes the ref went ahead but the announcer didn't know anything about it, in fact no one from the club did.
Our Dave mentions it on the video because he knew a minutes silence had been applied for (thats what you must have heard Michelle), apologies will be given to Irenes family.
The announcer is a new guy and it was his first time doing it so cut him some slack - the music and announcements sounded fine in the pre-match tests.'"
Ah you're absolutely right Fred, I was listening into the radio on my headphones. I wondered why Simon who was sitting right next to me hadn't heard the announcement and I clearly had.