Fantastic to see such transparency from the Chairman and the board , keeping us fans in the know.
That statement is probably the best that I've heard in a long while
However , not one to be un-neighbourly to Swinton and upon hearing that they will groundshare again with us for 2013 . How's about them taking on the same amount of friday night fixtures and let us get back to being the HOME team at our OWN ground for next Season.
Would be nice to get back to Sunday matches , obviously apart from the televised Thursday games .
This season we have bent over backwards to accomodate Swinton , maybe to some extent their Sunday matches to ensure that they got more travelling Swinton fans down to the LSV. If that last part is true , then could this not have affected our own attendances , i.e. In the long run getting more fans down for us on a Sunday rather than any other day.
Don't be fooled by last nights attendance of over 2,000 , Fax are probably one of the better fanbase who bring plenty of support to the LSV , plus add to that a top of the table clash battling for 2nd spot and as far as I know the game wasn't televised and there you have it , a slightly more swelled attendance than normal for a friday night game.
Please give us our SUNDAYS back