Unfortunately Kev we do not have the required technology to stream events live (anyway the signing was done at 9.30am in the morning) to acquire this technology would mean an investment of £1000's money best spent at this time on the field of play, we are experimenting with various methods but TBH the end quality is to put it bluntly means crap pictures, that plus it would need a strong wi-fi broadband connection something that again costs quite a bit of money and I cant see Wigan Council spending it at the LSV.=, and the mobile technology on broadband is not fast enough to stream good quality pictures and sound unless you have your own satellite communications like SKY and BBC, so until all that happens it's recordings only, plus it would require a broadcast team of 5 or 6 and on shoots like yesterday there was only me all 'my' team are volunteers dont forget and have other jobs/studies during the day which is another factor to be considered (SKY and BBC have a backroom staff either on site or studio of tens like I said I had ME

and even I'm trying to retire

)) hope that answers your question.