Quote Bent&Bongser="Bent&Bongser"Bongser did not attend the match the other night - out with Mme B. He therefore, even prior to the posting of the new rules last weekend, would never entertain the idea of posting a comment thereon.
After the madness of last week's post defeat posts, he decided that he wasn't prepared to read the latest fall out until things had, perhaps, died down. Stiffened (no, not that way) by events at The Macron today, here he now ventures only to find a thread of further gloom.
HRJ, don't give in to the prannocks!
Bongser, whilst an indefatigable japer, has always enjoyed the sagacity of your posts, and has learned to read your facts as, just that, facts. There will be a last post for every single one of us, but the time isn't yet right for yours. The O/P was a story with a point to make, but as your tales go, not in SL like the one about the dump in Wiggin Tesco - Bongser repeated that to a great many folk (without self-attribution, he might add). Not a fitting Schwannengesang.
If you are definitely intent on retiring, please give us one last one. As you apparently look like Christopher Plummer, please post a link to a Youtube vid of you singing Edelweiss - it will go viral!
Hope to read from you soon.
Don't you just hate it when somebody finds all the right words to explain exactly how you feel , git B and B