Quote wire-quin="wire-quin"The gripe with GF is that he knows nothing about Rugby league!'"
Really? I had no idea that a BA or MA in RL was required to be a fan of the game. I was under the illusion that the basic premise of the game is to create space by running often rehed plays, pulling defenders left/right/out of position and creating overlaps. That said, in recent years the kick to the corner on the 5th has become more common and as a result wingers are bigger than they were back in the 80's. Forwards are more similar in size with 2nd rowers and loose forwards offering more creativity with the ball in hand, whilst Props (depending on the side under scrutiny) are still designed to such defenders in.
As for Gutterfax and "every thread" being about marketing, you're talking rubbish. As for this thread, the premise that we are moving to a park ground does invite the comments that marketing the club would well have stopped this rot, whilst there are plenty of other threads on this forum that is marketing free. The negativity thread being one of them
I believe his DM's are actually Cherry Reds......a slightly less foreboding shade than Ox Blood.
Hope your day ended better than it started W-Q.....you were a tad grumpy first thing