Quote CAM.="CAM."You don't even know what you're talking about half of the time.

And BTW, droning "Barmy Army" out for 20 minutes doesn't count as singing, or chanting, or trying to improve the atmosphere in any way, shape or form. It does the complete opposite. Though the idiots that start it and carry it on wouldn't realise that.'"
Oh really, well thats good we've got that cleared up then. Any future chants to be passed through the 'whats ok' comittee. Cause whilst not my cup of tea, barmy army is fine by me, as kevin iro - or any other chants.
My motivation for defending is more along the lines that i really dont see the problem. The mess over minutes silence was really just down to people getting it mixed up over communication. The young people at the back have been respectful over every other minutes silence i can recall.
I have said previously we used to sit in the west stand, and have seen this same attitude over having a blow horn (sold officially once before aints derby). We where told to not bring it, then aiving our flags was aproblem. Unless you sit still and just watch the game its a problem. A guy used to boo when opposite side took a kick,..he was told to shut up. One fella got a letter sent to his house..some kind of official warning. I for one dont want that attitude any where near the south stand, for the past 5 years have enjoyed the attude of tolerance in the south stand.
My attitude its a rugby match, watched by 18,000 people. There are many different sorts of folk there, and without the barmy army crew - the match would be overall a much duller expierience..in my opinion