Quote Trojan Horse="Trojan Horse"We can't all be Wigan you know.'"
<Wigan love in mode activated>
You say that "We can't all be Wigan" now cast your mind to last Monday, how good was that performance from Wigan?
I'd say at that level, they could compete with an NRL team.
Now take Tomkins away, how many of those Wigan players were household names, in fact without googling do you think anyone outside of piedome could remember their starting 17?
No household names, just kids out of the academy from local amateur sides in the surrounding area, probably all on peanuts too.
Maybe at a guess i reckon if you took Tomkins wage out the equation i reckon the Wakefield wage bill total of yesterday would be more than Wigans last Monday.
So what does this say, Wigan are a mighty powerhouse of money throwing it at every player that looks the best in their position like the 80's-90's OR they are just well coached?
Personally if people could be bothered teaching their youth how to tackle, catch and work to structures like they do at Wigan they wouldn't actually need vast sums of money, if clubs like Wakefield and Castleford were not so short sighted then maybe the league would be in a healthier position than it is.
Look at Widnes, there is a very slow and subtle rise coming from that club and it's partly because they could see long term, and work hard with their youth.
You're right, we can't all be Wigan but maybe clubs like yours should be thinking 'maybe we should be like Wigan' rather than criticising them.
<Wigan love in mode deactivated>
Hope you're happy with yourself for making me feel so dirty.