Quote CobraCraig="CobraCraig"He's got a massive size advantage that he won't have in first team rugby'"
I have seen Sammy a few times on Wigan TV and he is indeed a big lad, I saw him live for the first time in the juniors game at Catalan.
He is such a lump I am surprised he is as Rogues says only 16, I only saw the last 15 min of the Cats match, I don't know how many mins he had played but he was really blowing. I think it is a case of he has such a huge frame he hasn't got the strength and stamina to do it justice, he wants to be brought along slowly so as to fill that frame with muscle as well as slowly build up his stamina. The first time I saw him on Wigan I thought I was seeing a young Sonny Nickle. Boo.
As for blowing , after supping for 2/3 hours in the town centre I went to the ground and went into one of those little kiosks where you purchased a token for your drink. I chose a yellow one which turned out to be for the VINO

(white wine) and supped the plastic cup full, then I made my way to my seat. I found the isle I was on and craned my neck upwards, the row I was on was very close to the top, I crawled up and found my seat before started to watch the junior match.
The first thing I noticed was two Sonny Nickles as well as the other players, at the end of that match I decided I wanted the gents, how the hell I got down without breaking my neck I will never know.
After visiting the gents I decided I was safer at ground level and watched the first team match from the little terrace in the corner at the bottom of the stand.