Quote Come On The Trin="Come On The Trin"I think everyone is down at the moment. Even the players from what I have read. Losing key players is tough enough but losing them then hitting a really bad patch of form is even worse.
I think the big problem is when we punch above our weight then expectation levels raise significantly so when we start losing people get upset. We're the victim of our own success unfortunately to a point.
That said, the players IMHO need to stand up and be counted as JK is getting a lot of flack and unfairly so IMHO. It's the players who are not doing their job and yes JK is the man who needs to change that but some have simply not been at all professional in recent months.
If JK is guilty of anything its showing too much loyalty to certain players. That could be his downfall. He needs to start picking the players in form who have the right attitude. Not those who seem to think they can just walk into the team.
IMHO I think we need to look to bring in some fresh blood to mix it up. Ideally a top quality 7 IMHO. We need a new midfield general, as Obst, BJ and Cooke are not the leaders we need to replace Brough. Support players yes, leaders and directors of the team - sorry but no!
I think a top tier signing would give everyone a boost and inject some life and freshness into the team. We need someone to take control on the field and fast. Don't tell me we don't have no spare money has that is rubbish.
Interesting times ahead, we're down but not out yet. Let's get behind the lads and keep the faith.'"
NO, NO, NO, Youve got it all wrong, only a merger with Cas can save us