Isnt a good coach one that does good with what he has ? , Anyone can coach a team with loads of money and buy players , saying we have no money isnt an excuse, John kear should get his act together, stop feeling sorry for himself , and get some self confidence into the team , he isnt a good motivator. Everyone can buy a good team , a good coach is one who can develop one , Good coachs are likes of Brian Noble who has put last years bottom of the table team , into the top eight. Crusaders havent got a pot of money ? We cant afford to compete with the likes of Leeds etc. for money, so we have to make do. We have enough talent in our team to make the top eight, they just arnt playing together, anyone can beat anyone on the day and john last season brought that out of the players , he hasnt done it this year, give him another year and see what he does is my view. Thats if he wants to stay at belle vue