Quote Disney cat="Disney cat"TRB & the Mopsey clan or were they the same person
Unfortunately not, I would love to have been a pup of TRB's instead of that waste of space

If you remember our kid put that Cas fans daughter (who lives next door but one) in the family way, well now that he has been getting me dad the odd freeby for the Cas games as we are apparently going to be inlaws it seems he is the dogs gonads and he goes out on the lash with him every friday night. Anyway back on track a fortnight ago he goes out with that moron for a few pots, right on queue he falls through the door at half past midnight paggered as usual with a double keeebab and a bucket of chilli sauce, since old abdul nearly got into trouble for selling out of date snap he gives it all to the last cutomer everynight now which since me dad found out is always him, anybody else would have their snap and then go to bed but not old sh11t for brains, he decided he would give JK and vasty and anybody else who did not agree with him some grief, well if you did not know laptops and chilli sauce are not compatable abdul's chilli sauce is that hot it melted some of his keys

and now me dad is down at the bingo hall every night with the old girl trying to win enough for a second hand laptop, since that happened I put a password on mine because me mam said do us a favour and let him use yours cos he's embarassing me shouting abuse at them what win when he does'nt cos he cannot figure out how to play. One thing for sure he'll never use my PC even if he knew the password he would never bring himself to type it in, what is it you might ask, JOHN KEAR IS ACE