Quote The Clan="The Clan"Popular misconception that!
Street house lads used to wander round in large gangs but on their own, man for man couldn't mix it with Lupset during the 70s.
My family grew up on the cross roads of Whinney Moor and Townley, just recently when all four brothers were out on the Town someone from Spa Grove came up and thanked us.
He said the fact that we lived on the crossroads stopped the gangs from the Dewsbury Rd end of the estate from getting past and offered them protection.
When i was a nipper playing for the Manor there was always a brawl playing against Sharlston, some real epics, i had just been subbed once with about 10 mins of a game left when it kicked off and it was ferocious or so it seemed at the time, i think i was about 10 or 11 so it was probably slapsies, but Mick Riley ordered me back on the field to crack some heads even though at this point i had my jeans halfway across my boots as i was getting ready to get off home. Great days. I lived just down the rd from your parents at no. 87 i think it was if memory serves me right but not until much later and remember seeing Andy visiting and me getting a right giddy on over it on more than one occasion.