Quote violetrwb="violetrwb"The trouble with the Cas fans was in the North stand was it not?
You may take them as personal, but they are not. The way you have waded in on here with a mixture of bravery and naivety does nothing to endorse your capability to perform a senior management role at the club in my opinion, and if that's personal then I'm sorry but it's my right to comment when you come on here riding roughshod over some peoples' views having performed awfully in implementing significant and unwarranted changes to the matchday experience without doing the leg work and the basics on root cause first. If you don't like my criticism, then I suggest that you stop reading threads on messageboards full stop, because as an officer of the club you're going to get some flak when poor decisions are made.
This is supposed to be independent of the club, so I'd be disappointed if they closed it because you asked them to. If you want a forum where you have editorial control then set one up on the club's own website.'"
You are realy a tool so who are you, at least have the bottle and go talk to Davide face to face, if you have a axe to grind