Quote worksopwildcat="worksopwildcat"Shows what a garbage captain Kirmond is. B Smith barely knows the group whereas captain fantasic has had his position with the club for some time. If you had the right captain in place then maybe a proper culture would have been developed. I would put diamonds on it that B Smith had no idea these pathetic individuals were going on the lash a day after they disgraced the club with one of the most spineless displays from any group of "professional....(what a joke) athletes" I have ever seen. I would also wager that Kirmond would have know what his team mates were doing and because of his own garbage attitude and behaviour in the past felt compromised in trying to do anything about it. To be honest I don't even know if Kirmond is still captain of the team! Good player but absolute disaster of a captain....he just hasn't got the proper character to do the job especially as we obviously have within the squad several immature idiots.'"
Why does this show why Kirmond is "a gabage captain" what has it got to do with him if he was'nt there.And you must only be presuming he knew what his team mates were up to,Do you have the facts to back up your assumption

and how can you say he has a "garbage attitude and behaviour" this again is your own opinion you can't babysit team players 24/7
This was a totally unprofessional behaviour by the 2 players concerned and only they should be held responsible and should have acted in a more professional manner,but these things happen in all walks of professional sports and always will,but i can,t understand why bring DK into it.