Quote downtheante="downtheante"this is the funniest web-site.
Someone starts a rumour - "I saw Richard Horne talking to MacNamara the other night. I read that as meaning the club have released him and we're replacing him with Andy Gregory. Bloody board, never tell us anything. B@stards, I hate the lot of 'em. Agar out Agar out (Kear out, Kear out, Sharp out, Sharp out). Oh and Wayne Bennett has been lined up.... he's a has-been - we want a young British coach, look what happened last time we had a has-been Aussie coach. Boooo - I'm gonna tear my pass up, bloody Friday night matches, too many utlity players. Where's the back-up in our back-line. We've got too many second-rowers. Put Hall in the centres, G Horne is no good, all he can do is score tries. What the hell did we buy Calderwood for? He never makes any yards returning the ball - but Raynor runs sideways and does dangerous off-loads all the time. Yeaman's had his pomp and as for King - always down the pub and puts in too many flashy big hits and drops the ball all the time. Moa can only play 10 minutes and Maloney's not gonna make it. Where's the passion? We should never have got rid of Briscoe. Why can't we make a representation to the British High Commission about Crocker - our Board don't know what they're doing? What do you mean grade A license? I hate everyone at the club and everything they do and eat and I curse the very ground they walk on. Let's get back to the Bouleverd where everything was luvverly".'"
Makes me laugh