Quote Diver="Diver"Great read Wilf.
The mention of Terry Kirchin brought back to me when I met him a few years ago at a BP function up in Scotland. He was the head of Personnel for BP Exploratin at the time and instanstly recognizable with his long arms which seemed to streach below his knees. He had a some good stories of his time at Hull, most of them seemed to involve our infamous hooker from that era. His transfer to the Dobbins was a bit strange although he told me he was always upfront with Rovers and informed them from the off he was about to take up a post with BP in London but they still signed him. Am I right in thinking he never actually played for them??? He went on to be the manager at the BP Sullon Voe terminal where I understand he was very popular but will have been retired a few years now.
Looking forard to the next Dentists Diary.'"
Terry played 4 games for the Dobbins and he'd already told the Hull board he was leaving and is still in Scotland
Remember the game well Wilf as having a go at what thought where Feath lads till one opened his mouth --Chelsea supporters
Another great read though Wilf