Quote Ian P="Ian P"I can now watch FC and I expect to see an improvement in the utter crud that has been passed off to us in recent years. I remember our early years of super league, not too good but they tried then Bomber came and entertaining open rugby. OK we got beat, but I always left feeling I had been entertained. In recent years we where treated to dire diet of 4 drives and a poor kick with a side order of spin, in fact spin seemed to be served at every opportunity. Many sucked it in and speaking out against those who saved us was not very popular in some circles, being against the past regime was being UNFAITHFUL in many peoples eyes.
We have a new start , with new values and we must forget the last few years and move on. Its not going to be easy as the legacy of the old masters is very much alive within the clubs playing staff, the new coach is hampered by the buys of the old and he will have to work with what he has.
Peter Gentle was the assistant coach to the Aussie National Team, think about that the greatest rugby league team is without any question the Aussie national team and we have the man was 2nd in command ................exciting it has to be. Sure he is not a fully tested coach in super league, HE IS NOT ON HIS OWN THERE IS HE . Its going to take time to build the right squad, its not going to happen next season and we should not expect it too. Anyone thinking we could be sitting in the Stratford end come October watching the team run out is going to be a tad upset. I want to see progress, a team trying, throwing the ball around, camping out on the oppositions line and actually turning the pressure into points.
Hell we may even have a 40/20 or 2
Excited, gawd I am wetting myself not for next year but the years ahead and all the talent coming through the ranks instead of having rugby coached out of them.'"
Cheers Ian that saved me a lot of typing