Quote FoD FC Army="FoD FC Army"Don't get all this "he should go back" business.
If he's innocent then let the aussie authorities force him to go back and pay him and us appropriate compensation afterwards.
If he's guilty then he'd be nuts to go back willingly.'"
Exactly, IF there was that much evidence against him the Australian authorities would have presented them to the UK police and enforce an extradition, at the moment the Autralian police are saying please come back we'd like to arrest you but we can't compile enough evidence to support that as yet so we can't force you to be extradited..and if it is class A then you'd think UK plod would be only to happy to help.
As it stands Michaels doesn't have to prove anything, innocent before PROVEN guilty is the same over there as it is in the UK..but not obviously on this forum

it's the authorities whom have to have sufficient evidence to follow it through.
If and when that happens then we should just shut up and let the club deal with it.