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| Look's like there is a lot of unrest on here at the moment. People having a pop at Betts, Cull etc. What did you really expect coming into the season? You're gonna need a few years to build a good squad/team and it won't happen overnight. I agree r.e Betts as coach, I think Noble would be a good shout or John Kear. I think you need a quality halfback as well. Don't get too down, I think you have done really well with ball in hand, just woeful defensively.
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| Expectations? Try and go a couple of weeks without suspending/sacking anyone!
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| My expectations were bottom, or there abouts. We have even fallen well short of that. Until Betts is sacked it will only get worse.
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| No more news of players leaving, getting suspended, or injured would be nice for now.
I think I predicted 10th before the start of the season!
I'd settle for 13th. 
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| If we're this rubbish next year, it's our license gone. Fans are dwindling away quicker than you can imagine and then all we've got left is a shiny stadium and unforgiving pitch!
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| Quite simply to be doing the basics right. I genuinely wanted us to put all our effort into defence this year. To be difficult to break down but our defence is as solid as a wet paper towel!
I've been very forgiving of a lot of our pastings this year and I've attended nearly all of them. I've even bought into some of the excuses around injuries (which tbf we have had a lot), the weather even (having seen my jelly babies freeze together and was moved to experience my first ever bovril).
I expected quite a few and I expect a few more to come but the performance on Monday was simply shocking. I think nearly every fan would have been far more forgiving had we been competitive last year. As it was, this season is just a continuance of last year. I'm also completely certain that a more competent coach would have us performing better.
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| Quote Dr Chim Richalds="Dr Chim Richalds"Quite simply to be doing the basics right. I genuinely wanted us to put all our effort into defence this year. To be difficult to break down but our defence is as solid as a wet paper towel!
I've been very forgiving of a lot of our pastings this year and I've attended nearly all of them. I've even bought into some of the excuses around injuries (which tbf we have had a lot), the weather even (having seen my jelly babies freeze together and was moved to experience my first ever bovril).
I expected quite a few and I expect a few more to come but the performance on Monday was simply shocking. I think nearly every fan would have been far more forgiving had we been competitive last year. As it was, this season is just a continuance of last year. I'm also completely certain that a more competent coach would have us performing better.'"
This is the frustrating thing about it all. I think that we have a core of decent players, even with the injuries, that could be at least keeping the scores respectable. I think that Denis Betts is just so catastrophically incompetent that we'll never see the best of what these players have to offer while he is here. This is why I'm reluctant to point the finger at the players. There is absolutely no structure to our attack or defence. No plays - nothing. We lose the ruck on almost every occasion, both going forward and in defence. Teams make easy yards against us. I see no lack of effort until they inevitably tire. This is just pure bad coaching and perhaps a lack of fitness. You don't need super stars in order to create a good defence. Just a man in charge who knows what he is doing and can ensure that every player is drilled as to what exactly he should and what he shouldn't be doing, and where he needs to be. We need someone who can see what's going wrong and put things right. No-one could turn this team into a top 8 side but, like you say, we should be doing better. It doesn't matter which players we bring in, nothing will change under Betts. He's possibly the worst professional coach I've ever seen in my life - and I've seen some bad ones in my time.
There can be only one reason why SOC kept him as our Super League head coach and only one reason why he won't sack him - MONEY! SOC has now stated, categorically, that the one thing he will not spend heavily on is the first team. So, unfortunately, Littlerich's bright, Man City style, future does not beckon next season. We are likely to get just more of the same.
To my mind, SOC has created this mess by keeping Betts. He should acknowledge this and do the right thing. Otherwise his stubborn nature will drag us all back down to the championship and see the heart ripped out of the fan base at this club.
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| Pepe I do think you are overacting predicting certain doom for the club based on a 14 game season!
Not disagreeing whatsoever I'd replace Betts as really don't see any real structure to the side (why Noble would now be the ideal fix IMO). But maybe SO'C just see's no benefit in sacking now and trying to replace (yes I'd disagree) and feels acting at the end of the year and giving a new man a decent budget as the best way?
If things continued in the same vein and Betts was still coach next season (without any shock big signings) then I'd be concerned. But SO'C has only just dragged us back into SL so the say he's going to drag us back to the Championship and rip the heart out of the club is ridiculously OTT and disrespectful too baring in mind this is effectively go one at a 3 season stint minimum.
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Quote J20="J20"Pepe I do think you are overacting predicting certain doom for the club based on a 14 game season!
Not disagreeing whatsoever I'd replace Betts as really don't see any real structure to the side (why Noble would now be the ideal fix IMO). But maybe SO'C just see's no benefit in sacking now and trying to replace (yes I'd disagree) and feels acting at the end of the year and giving a new man a decent budget as the best way?
If things continued in the same vein and Betts was still coach next season (without any shock big signings) then I'd be concerned. But SO'C has only just dragged us back into SL so the say he's going to drag us back to the Championship and rip the heart out of the club is ridiculously OTT and disrespectful too baring in mind this is effectively go one at a 3 season stint minimum.'"
We won't be giving any coach a decent budget, if we are to take SOC's word. He has stated that we will not spend big until we get 7,000 VSH members.
The heart is being ripped out of the club as we speak. look at the away support we took to Castleford. Look at the pitiful crowd at the Saints game. People are cancelling their VSH memberships now, and I would expect the majority to do so at the end of the season if things don't change. SOC doesn't seem to want that change, so I see no reason, whatsoever, to be optimistic on that front.
I know you like to be optimistic about the club and the team, Joey, and that does you credit, but I'm afraid you have been wrong on almost all of your optimistic view points. Right down the ing line, mate.
The clamour for a 10 club SL is growing, and that is largely down to the Widnes VIkings. So much so, your optimism is starting to look more and more out of touch with reality and very misplaced. Hope you are right like but...
www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/rugbyl ... -bite.html
Quote J20="J20"Pepe I do think you are overacting predicting certain doom for the club based on a 14 game season!
Not disagreeing whatsoever I'd replace Betts as really don't see any real structure to the side (why Noble would now be the ideal fix IMO). But maybe SO'C just see's no benefit in sacking now and trying to replace (yes I'd disagree) and feels acting at the end of the year and giving a new man a decent budget as the best way?
If things continued in the same vein and Betts was still coach next season (without any shock big signings) then I'd be concerned. But SO'C has only just dragged us back into SL so the say he's going to drag us back to the Championship and rip the heart out of the club is ridiculously OTT and disrespectful too baring in mind this is effectively go one at a 3 season stint minimum.'"
We won't be giving any coach a decent budget, if we are to take SOC's word. He has stated that we will not spend big until we get 7,000 VSH members.
The heart is being ripped out of the club as we speak. look at the away support we took to Castleford. Look at the pitiful crowd at the Saints game. People are cancelling their VSH memberships now, and I would expect the majority to do so at the end of the season if things don't change. SOC doesn't seem to want that change, so I see no reason, whatsoever, to be optimistic on that front.
I know you like to be optimistic about the club and the team, Joey, and that does you credit, but I'm afraid you have been wrong on almost all of your optimistic view points. Right down the ing line, mate.
The clamour for a 10 club SL is growing, and that is largely down to the Widnes VIkings. So much so, your optimism is starting to look more and more out of touch with reality and very misplaced. Hope you are right like but...
www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/rugbyl ... -bite.html
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| Joey, some good points as always mate. I was thinking the other day that SOC said there was no point in appointing a new coach now as they would have no cash to invest in any new players at this stage of the season.
...Well we suddenly find ourselves in a position where have a percentage of £180k to play with. With this in mind and in light of having this money to spend, other clubs shuffling their playing rosters a bit, Monday's performance and the fact that we will shortly begin the process of putting together a list of potential 2013 targets now is the perfect time to move for a new coach.
I personally think SOC will give it one more go digging his hands in his pockets next year before deciding enough is enough despite what he has been saying. I think some of this "I'm not putting any more money in is posturing" to try and encourage fans to turn up.
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Quote Pepe="Pepe"We won't be giving any coach a decent budget, if we are to take SOC's word. He has stated that we will not spend big until we get 7,000 VSH members.
The heart is being ripped out of the club as we speak. look at the away support we took to Castleford. Look at the pitiful crowd at the Saints game. People are cancelling their VSH memberships now, and I would expect the majority to do so at the end of the season if things don't change. SOC doesn't seem to want that change, so I see no reason, whatsoever, to be optimistic on that front.
I know you like to be optimistic about the club and the team, Joey, and that does you credit, but I'm afraid you have been wrong on almost all of your optimistic view points. Right down the loving line, mate.
The clamour for a 10 club SL is growing, and that is largely down to the Widnes VIkings. So much so, your optimism is starting to look more and more out of touch with reality and very misplaced. Hope you are right like but...
www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/rugbyl ... -bite.html'"
pepe i support you 100%, i didnt expect miracles and expected wins along the way , i just wanted us to get on with it get a better gate and gradualy see an improvement along the way alot off the squad do give it there all ,but off field antics drinking fighting is not acceptable in any proffesional sport the Discipline comes from the club so obviously dont give a T--s about the club or supporters they should be to embarrased going out in the Town with some of the embarrasing results what about respect for the younger guys who have been exceptional this season and senior players should be the roll models , week by week were losing support steve o connors to blame with Head coach ,knowing how poor we was last year to give him the roll this year was an awful mistake Dave Banks should have been put in charge instead of panicking . Fact Denis had a few weeks as Head coach at wigan why did they not give him a go cause he wasnt ready so he went to union for what 5 or more years was shocking last year as head coach . I love this club and if SOC isnt willing to change now its making people very bitter against him , some stabbility is needed and Quick simon moran at warrington was in the same position with Cull till supporters forced him out he then waited for the right coach to come available so make the descion Steve before its to late or we GO .
Quote Pepe="Pepe"We won't be giving any coach a decent budget, if we are to take SOC's word. He has stated that we will not spend big until we get 7,000 VSH members.
The heart is being ripped out of the club as we speak. look at the away support we took to Castleford. Look at the pitiful crowd at the Saints game. People are cancelling their VSH memberships now, and I would expect the majority to do so at the end of the season if things don't change. SOC doesn't seem to want that change, so I see no reason, whatsoever, to be optimistic on that front.
I know you like to be optimistic about the club and the team, Joey, and that does you credit, but I'm afraid you have been wrong on almost all of your optimistic view points. Right down the loving line, mate.
The clamour for a 10 club SL is growing, and that is largely down to the Widnes VIkings. So much so, your optimism is starting to look more and more out of touch with reality and very misplaced. Hope you are right like but...
www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/rugbyl ... -bite.html'"
pepe i support you 100%, i didnt expect miracles and expected wins along the way , i just wanted us to get on with it get a better gate and gradualy see an improvement along the way alot off the squad do give it there all ,but off field antics drinking fighting is not acceptable in any proffesional sport the Discipline comes from the club so obviously dont give a T--s about the club or supporters they should be to embarrased going out in the Town with some of the embarrasing results what about respect for the younger guys who have been exceptional this season and senior players should be the roll models , week by week were losing support steve o connors to blame with Head coach ,knowing how poor we was last year to give him the roll this year was an awful mistake Dave Banks should have been put in charge instead of panicking . Fact Denis had a few weeks as Head coach at wigan why did they not give him a go cause he wasnt ready so he went to union for what 5 or more years was shocking last year as head coach . I love this club and if SOC isnt willing to change now its making people very bitter against him , some stabbility is needed and Quick simon moran at warrington was in the same position with Cull till supporters forced him out he then waited for the right coach to come available so make the descion Steve before its to late or we GO .
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| Quote Dr Chim Richalds="Dr Chim Richalds"Joey, some good points as always mate. I was thinking the other day that SOC said there was no point in appointing a new coach now as they would have no cash to invest in any new players at this stage of the season.
...Well we suddenly find ourselves in a position where have a percentage of £180k to play with. With this in mind and in light of having this money to spend, other clubs shuffling their playing rosters a bit, Monday's performance and the fact that we will shortly begin the process of putting together a list of potential 2013 targets now is the perfect time to move for a new coach.
I personally think SOC will give it one more go digging his hands in his pockets next year before deciding enough is enough despite what he has been saying. I think some of this "I'm not putting any more money in is posturing" to try and encourage fans to turn up.'"
Agree, he has said he is covering £400,000 worth of costs this year yet some seem to still crtiticse not spending more?
Pepe on the decent budget if we are right this years budget wasn't too bad just either A) not that well spent B) Lack of targets or C) In case of Briscoe / Watts & Moore either gone or hardly been on the pitch!