Quote cardiffcrusaderrob="cardiffcrusaderrob"What the previous attempts show scudley is that poor attempts at expansion and the failure to set up an effective playing base due to a range of factors economic and political stopped Welsh development in its tracks. in 1996 Union had just become professional and all the Welsh talent in League moved back to Union and to more lucrative contracts. Now we can't compete with the four 'regions' and the WRU in terms of money but we can offer the vast Rugby playing pool here in the South an option that wasn't there before, local professional Rugby league, It might never be No.1 here, but I certainly think we can have a competitive side competiting near the top of the game on that basis we are better suited to succeeding than in Wrexham I think they'll agree, but this isn't North v South.
You need to understand the problems to provide effective solutions here, simply saying League won't take off because of a couple of lowish crowds is missing the point entirely.'"
I agree RL will never be the No1 game in Wales, and the expansion will take time and effort, but fans vote with their feet, and RL is a business after all, money through the turnstiles provide revenue for the club to invest in Players, if no fans are coming through the turnstiles, no money to invest, and then you have a shortfall in finances, and with the Franchise coming up next year all these factors will be looked into, Wrexham has been a blessing for the Crusaders due to the localaty to the NW and Yorkshire and that has shown in increased gates, from Wakefield Wrexham is 2 hours away Bridgend / Cardiff is 4 hours away, meaning overnight stays, more petrol money and so on, Wigan / Warrington / Saints, are closer to Wrexham than Cas/ Wakey / Leeds / Bradford. Fact's dont lie
Cas 1,495
Salford 2,412
Quins 1,122 there 3 away games and the 3 lowest attendances this year ?. Stick to Wrexham it's working...