In a previous guise I advocated that McNamara was not the man for the job, and now it's clear the players agree with me and have given up listening.
I also advocated using the Bulls website to tell Hood in no uncertain terms that until he was gone you wouldn't return to Odsal (I haven't by the way).
Too many of you defended Mcnamara and Hood, with ridiculous responses like 'who else is there', 'give him more time' etc. etc.
To anyone who knows anything about this game it's clear that the bloke hasn't got a clue, he now cites fatigue after telling us all in the close season we didn't have a real marquee signing (Menzies is past it, though still better than much of what we have!) so we had cover all over the park and each player was learning to fulifill several roles in a poor attempt at a 'Total' rugby approach. So how are we tired, and didn't Warrington have the same schedule???
I wouldn't care if Stuart Duffy took over for the rest of the year, he'd have to do a better job than this turkey - Act now Hood and give a new bloke a chance to recruit for next year now, which is precisely what the Giants did last year and are now reaping the rewards, by the way that was another thing I advocated us doing weeks ago.
With McNamara in charge we will not make the play-offs, I have absolutely no doubt about that. We may not with a change now, particularly if we don't get our man until next year.
So with the blindingly obvious now apparent to everyone, vote with your feet and don't go back until he's gone - You know it makes sense