Hi All,
As some of you know, Little Miss Cookie (aka Nicole Bowers) has not been too well of late. We managed to get her out of hospital (she's in the LGI) for the Wigan game where we saw some of you, but then she went back in.
Anyway, long story short, she has been diagnosed with a brain tumour, which is wrapped around the top of her brain stem! She went for surgery on Tuesday - it lasted 18 hours - and is now very slowly recovering. She is still very poorly and is unable to speak or move much at the mo however the surgeon is pleased with how her recovery is going and we just need to give her a chance to get better.
One thing she did ask me was whether she would be going to the Warrington match! She was gutted that she won't be well enough

She's told me to tape all the Super League matches, Brian Carney's Men of Steel prog and any National League matches - she might be first & foremost a Bulls fan, but she loves her rugby league
Just wanted to let those of you who know her know how she is doing.