Early days yet, so don't worry if you are in the relegation zone
Sir Harold Facey 12
Duckman 10
BD20 Cougar 10
GazzaBull 9
jackmac452 9
Bulls Boy 2011 9
Bulls4 9
DrFeelgood 9
Johnbulls 9
Fr13day 8
josefw 8
zapperbull 8
paulwalker71 5
SLPTom 5
Hooligan27 5
rambull1967 5
tigertot 5
Bull Mania 4
Steel City Bull 4
Ferocious Aardvark 4
Hamster Chops 4
Herr Rigsby 4
ThePimp007 4
Le Penguin 4
Bendybulls 4
Pumpetypump 4
FevGrinder 4
roger daly 4
Broad Ings Warrior 4
broadybulls87 4
tackler tommo 4
BiltonRobin 4
Jimmy 4 Bradford 4
Fevxr2i 4
Bullseye 3
RickyF1 3
Bent & Bongser 3
vbfg 3
RAB2411 3
Nelson 3
Bullnorthern 3
daveyz999 3
bobsmyuncle 3
glow 3
jayb 3
Smack him Jimmy 2
childofnorthern 2
Highlights of Round 1
1. Five people correctly predicting the correct margin for the Bulls game
2. Only two people correctly predicted the Rochdale result
3. Only one person did NOT predict that London would beat Swinton
4. The current leader is the only person who got all six results correct (and therefore got double points)
If you think you've been incorrectly scored give me a shout out on this thread and I'll check. Have just set up a spreadsheet so it should be smoother in weeks to come
Week 2 Thread will be up by the middle of the week