Quote Mookachaka="Mookachaka"If we've reportedly signed these 4 big names, we'll have one hell of a pack next year!
8. MoiMoi
9. Higham
10. Hock
11. Patterson
12. Hansen
13. Mautia
14. Emmitt / Acton / Beswick
15. Hopkins / Spencer / Aspinwall
16. Barlow / Sarsfield / Tracey
17. Dixon / Goulden / Haggerty
Surely we'll be offloading some of these players, we'll have the biggest squad in the league if we keep on signing players without offloading'"
Mooky we have to unload a fair few before next starts,I said before the signings were made we should run with a smaller squad next year,then we sign 4 Forwards I know some won't agree with me ,or like my choices but for me ,Acton,Beswick,Aspinwall,Barlow,Haggerty,and maybe Sarsfield are in line to leave the Club,we should bring back Tracey,and Pete, I think Rowls has every intention of giving Lewis Foster his chance.
I'm worried about the backs though,who will make way for Rangi?I can still see Ryan playing at 7,where will it leave Riddy,and what about Ben Reynolds?I've no doubt Higson and Jonny Pownall are great for the Championship ,but for me not SL wingers ,it's a catch 22 ,do we go all out again next season, or rotate the Squad ,depending on who we are playing.?
I'm also a bit worried about the signings, while I'm very excited at the quality,can we afford them off average gates of 3000 -3500,or does anybody think the crowds will go up substantially to 4500 to offset the money being paid out?