This draw really is a double edge sword. And I agree Zulu it is winnable so there in lies my quandary.
-To win we will need all our best, giving 100% in what will be a taxing game no matter the result.
-Win and we then have the energy drain and time crunch of at least another cup game.
-Win and it is a distraction from our main goal which is already a stiff task after our terrible start.
-Win and we then have the potential of an even more taxing game next round and the same issues magnified.
-Win and we have another potential money spinner game the next round.
-Win and the confidence of the team climbs even higher.
-Win and the number of fans at the subsequent games is higher.
-Lose badly and our confidence could be rocked.
-Lose but perform well and our confidence stays intact and we can then concentrate on the main goal with a good gauge on what we need to work on.
Ah sod it. If I was a player, a coach or the owner I’d want only one result. As a fan I can live with a loss and a good performance but on the day I will be gutted if we lose. I like this draw and I believe the boys can win it. Bring em on