Reality check required here. Regardless of if a Knight in shining armour rides in on his trusty charger, ladened down with sacks of gold to bankroll the club, Wimbledon is a folly. We aren't getting near IMG's version of Superleague any-time soon. The "reported' crowd of 800 fans for the seasons opener is about 8% of what is needed. Unless IMG permit us to claim a chunk of the SW London population as being in our catchment area, then no matter how many times we win the championship, we will never score enough points, so Wimbledon, for now at least, is a waste of cash. Wimbledon have been quoted as saying they like our cash and given they could clean up after and steward a Broncos game with 4 people, I am not surprised. Everyone loves money for nothing!
Rosslyn Park is a non-starter unless aforementioned Knight buys it and rebuilds it, but Ealing is big enough now for what we need. Wimbledon can be kept as an option for when we attract more than 2,500 as an average. History points to that not happening without a huge effort and some big spending by the club and I for one would rather the money spent at Wimbledon would be better used in marketing, because 800 fans for the opener points to a 5/600 average, whereas we averaged 1,0003 in 2023 and 1,084 in 2022, so no amount of bluster and bull78it about record memberships is going to cut it.
I know I bang on about it, but until the club join the dots and see that more fans = more interest from sponsors = more cash on the gate = more locals getting interested as the crowds grow, then they really are just a black hole for another "League Fan" to waste their money on.For me. Return to Ealing, spend some time and effort marketing the games and the club to the borough, sort out matchdays wherever possible to be on days the train stops by the ground and plan every game as an event and do not make the mistake of the last 20 years by sticking posts in the ground and announcing a bleeding KO time, because that doesn't work!